Flowers, Fields and Natural Treasures

The colours of the Wheatbelt change with the seasons ensuring that each visit is picture perfect in its own unique way. Green in winter and golden in summer but Dowerin boasts a kaleidoscope of colours in between. A vibrant sea of canola creates a colour pop in Spring whilst nestled in our native bushland lies the pinks, purples, reds and yellows of our stunning wildflowers.

Most wildflowers can be spotted between July and October, but as wildflowers are heavily dependent on rainfall during winter, the more rain, the more wildflowers there are to enjoy. Hotspots include Tin Dog Creek Reserve, Namelcatchem Reserve and Minnivale Reserve. Some orchid species spotted include Donkey, Bunny, Leek and Spider. Many species of flowering wattles, grevillea and hakea can be seen on road verges and throughout the reserves.